Friday, January 1, 2010

Everything's Gonna Be Alright

Everything's Gonna Be Alright, originally uploaded by Bob DeHoff.

is it?
hope everything's gonna be alright indeed.

I love it

I love it, originally uploaded by Matroos Yoon.

bacon cheese whopper with an extra cheese - 3 slices in total. lol
I love it, not you Ronald, you are not a king at all! posted by 윤허영

i newly started flickr

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


(seriously) I'm big into him LOL

original source address:

Monday, February 16, 2009

generative theory

generative theory n
a cover term for a variety of linguistic theories that have the common goals of (a) providing an account of the formal properties of language, positing rules that specify how to form all the grammatical sentences of a language and no ungrammatical ones (the principle of descriptive adequacy), while (b) explaining why grammars have the properties they do and how children come to acquire them in such a short period of time (the principle of explanatory adequacy).
The major versions of generative theory (all associated with the pioneering work of the linguist Noam Chomsky) that have influenced the fields of first and second language acquisition have been:
transformational grammar (also transformational-generative grammar, TG, generative-transformational grammar), and early version of the theory that emphasized the relationships among sentences that can be seen as transforms or transformations of each other, for example the relationships among simple active declarative sentences (e.g., He went to the store), negative sentences (He didn’t go to the store), and questions (Did he go to the store?). such relationships can be accounted for by transformational rules.
the Standard Theory (also Aspects Model) proposed in the mid-1960s, which specified a base component that produces or generates basic syntactic structures called deep structures; a transformational component that changes or transforms those basic structures into sentences called surface structures; a phonological component, which gives sentences a phonetic representation (see GENERATIVE PHONOLOGY) so that they can be pronounced; and a semantic component, which deals with the meaning of sentences (see INTERPRETIVE SEMANTICS).
GOVERNMENT/BINDING THEORY, which dominated formally orientated work in first and second language acquisition during the 1980s and 1990s. MINIMALISM, a version of generative theory developed in the late 1990s.

Jack C. Richards, Richard Schmidt., Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching & Applied Linguistics, p.221

Friday, September 5, 2008

a whole new semester!!

Well, I've never been aware that the 6th semester in my course would be the most tough days at all. Many other senior students, of course, always have shouted out that.
As almost know, I spent whole summer vacation just doing nothing worth, now I started to regret little and little.

By the way, that's not the point today. The thing is that, I'm starting to post something related with all the courses of this semester from now on.
Yes, a new semester is already started!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

need to be changed

-Getting up lately, comicboock-handed killing time, doing nothing worth, and everything you can imagine the worst.

I feel like I should confess nowaday life of mine, though there's no one to read this blog(yes I know, it has a counter. lol)
Not knowing what has made me become "the representative of laziness," something suddenly struck on my mind and now I'm sitting in front of my monitor.

I have to be changed!

As summer goes on, I have missed a lot of things to do: studying English everyday, completing an essay, and so on. Did I set on too big goal to achieve? Was my will too weak? What on earth is my problem!

I belive in that I'm not late yet and there's still a chance to fix it up. Please watch me to the end.
I'll change my life, seriously.

Friday, July 4, 2008

July, hurray~!

I've long been looking forward to July(since March maybe), simply because I thought it was almost impossible to do what I want to do during the school semester. However I should accept the truth; it is one of the most typical, traditional, and transparent excuse for one's laziness.
As one part of *not* being lazy, I'm starting to attend a writing class at Pagoda in Jong-no area. After taking the very first lesson, the idea of posting a new article on this blog struck my mind and I'm trying to do that now ;)
From now on, I'll do more effort to post (whatever) regularly. I promise. (or probably mistakes! lol)